Privacy Policy & Disclaimer

Privacy Policy & GDPR Compliance

This describes how client information from enquiries, and sessions is kept and handled by Natalie Green and LTAS Therapy.

At LTAS Therapy, we are committed to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of our clients' personal information. We adhere to the principles outlined in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) to ensure the lawful and transparent processing of data. Any information shared with us during the course of therapy sessions, consultations, or other interactions will be treated with the utmost care and confidentiality.

We collect personal data solely for the purpose of providing therapy services and maintaining accurate records. This may include basic contact information, medical history, and other relevant details shared during sessions. We do not disclose or share any personal data with third parties without explicit consent, except where required by law.

By sharing your medical records with us, you allow us to work effectively with your health concerns (where relevant). This may at times, include working with your health care provider (GP) and other services to best support your needs. Our terms and conditions allow you to agree to these parameters which we may discuss with you from time to time.

Clients have the right to access, update, or request deletion of their personal data held by LTAS Therapy. We take appropriate measures to safeguard against unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction of data. Our therapists are trained in data protection protocols and adhere to strict confidentiality agreements.

By engaging in therapy services with LTAS Therapy, clients consent to the collection and processing of their personal data in accordance with this Privacy Policy and GDPR regulations. Any updates or changes to this policy will be communicated promptly. If you have any questions or concerns about our data protection practices, please contact us.

Client notes are brief and kept, on paper, in a secure, locked cabinet. Your contact details are only seen by me. These details are not shared with a third party although, exceptions to confidentiality are the same as required legally and ethically by most qualified, accredited therapists, and are explained in my client agreement, given prior to therapy commencing. You can contact me to ask for this in advance (a minimum of 10 working days) if you prefer. I follow the ethical codes of COSRT, UKCP and BACP.

Disclaimer Notice

I am currently a student member of recognised UK accerditation bodies COSRT, BACP and NCIP.

The website is presented from the personal perspective of myself a professional trainee psychosexual and relationship therapist.

While the content provided here is based on training and experience with a professional voice, it is important to note that at the time of publishing the website, the owner is still in training and has not yet attained full accreditation.

The information shared should not be considered a substitute for advice from fully accredited professionals. You can also book to see me through one of my placement settings (email for more details).

Individuals seeking assistance are encouraged to verify the credentials and qualifications of the therapist they choose to work with, and you can search online for fully registered therapists if you so wish via one of the bodies listed above.

While efforts are made to provide accurate and helpful information, this website and its owner are not liable for any consequences resulting from reliance on the content provided. Please consult a fully accredited professional for comprehensive support tailored to your needs.